Archive for May 5th, 2016

Ganja City Prosecutor’s Office has launched a criminal case over the incident that took place in the city last night.

The criminal case was launched under Articles 120.2.4 (deliberate murder committed with special cruelty or in publicly dangers way) and 228.1 (illegal purchase, transfer, selling, storage, transportation and carrying of fire-arms, accessories to it, supplies, explosives) of the Criminal Code. Investigation is underway.

44-year old Maharram Ahmadov and his 31-year old nephew Taleh Ahmadov died as the first detonated a hand grenade at a tea house in Ganja May 4. 

Ahmadov’s son Nariman Ahmadov (born in1998), his nephew Orkhan Mirzayev (born in 1994) and Sadig Ahmadov (born in 1975) were hospitalized with various shrapnel wounds.

According to preliminary information, the incident occurred because of a dispute. Several persons involved in the dispute were detained.


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