- IOLR -

Fifth International Scientific and Practical Conference “Human rights and criminal process”

January 10-11, 2014 in Baku it will be held the Fifth International scientific-practical conference “Human rights and criminal procedure”.

All are invited.

Applications for participating will be accepted until September 1, 2013 an e-mail: info@iolr.org

Conference materials will be published in form of a collection of articles and posted on website: www.iolr.org in section “Conferences”.

Conference working languages are Azerbaijani, English and Russian.

One needs to specify in application a topic of presentations, abstracts (up to 1 page or full text of speech – for correspondence participants), name, contact details and a name of represented organization (either as an individual), form of participation (direct or distance), date of arrival, the necessity for hotel reservation. Speaking time is up to 20 minutes.

At the end of the conference participant shall submit to the committee text of the speech in print.

In order to obtain by mail one copy of a print version of the conference materials it is necessary to pay organizational fee in the amount of 20 manat on the account № 3811.840.06.170775.01 in Nasimi branch of “Bank Respublika”, a / c 0137010014944, code 508472, Baku, D. Aliyeva Street, 243 (Shiraliyeva Sabina).

Travel, accommodation and meals are at the expense of a participant.

Place and time of the conference will be announced later.

Organizer: International Organization for Legal Researches.