Свобода – величайший плод ограничения желаний свободы (Эпикур).                Видеть несправедливость и молчать – это значит, самому участвовать в ней (Ж.-Ж. Руссо).                Светоч истины часто обжигает руку тому, кто его несет (П. Буаст).                Умирают только за то, ради чего стоит жить (Сент-Экзюпери).                Знание есть сила, сила есть знание (Бэкон).

Journal Policy

The journal is published original works that reflect the results of the studies and resolution of current problems in the field of law and education. 

Priority is given to the well-grounded innovative works which are devoted to designing of the principles of informational society in law and education – diversity, minorities, individuality and at this base the formation of informational and consensus democracy, calling to eliminate a system of imposing a will of the majority to the minority and ignoring an individual justice. 

The Journal builds its work in compliance with legislation and international treaties of Azerbaijan Republic at the base of generally recognized and specialized ethical norms, including:

Observance of generally recognised and specialized ethical and legal norms is a mandatory for editors, peer reviewers and authors of a journal including:

For Editors

  • to promote freedom of expression of opinions; to follow the principles of scientific integrity, objectivity, transparency and independency;
  • to have no conflict of interests in respect of reviewing articles; not to malpractice; to exclude commercial interests;
  • to be guided by interests of readers, authors, aims and objectives of the journal;
  • ensure quality of copy editing and designing of the journal; to maintain the integrity of scientific work;
  • to take steps to identify and prevent the publication of articles, which contain plagiarism (compilation) or other violations made during research, and also those previously published; not to protect and not to encourage the breaches found;
  • to react urgently on information concerning the violations;
  • not to assume subjectivism when articles are reviewed; to assess realistically your competence; to remember that unknown and new might be genius idea;
  • to coordinate to authors any retractions or corrections in the text of articles; to assist the authors to eliminate the shortcoming of papers;
  • to substantiate a refusal in publication or proposal concerning retraction of paper;
  • to observe anonymous of reviewers;
  • decision concerning an article is adopted by editorial board for 30 days from the time of receiving with editorial office the manuscript and an author is urgently informed about it; 
  • editorial board has right to refuse in publication without receiving of peer-reviews if plagiarism, compilations or re-publication facts found;
  • editorial board provide information an author about the date of first receiving of paper if disputes of authorship are occurred;
  • in case of unreasonable refusal in publication the editorial board apologies to an author; eliminates the found editorial and typographic errors.


For Reviewers

All papers accepted by editorial office to consideration are subjected to anonymous review by three reviewers of appropriate qualification.

Reviewers are not informed an author’s name, the author does not know the reviewers.

Reviews note a relevance and novelty of selected topic, comprehensiveness of an issue, correctness of usage of the evidences (arguments), system nature of survey of literature and scholarly apparatus, citation index of reviewed work, presence of substantiated conclusions, shortcomings, and reviewer’s conclusions.

The paper is rejected if there are three negative reviews concerning the scientific value of the work or when one of the reviewers has been found a fact of plagiarism or compilation.  

Author has right to be familiarized with all negative reviewers and submit an appeal, which will be examined for 10 days by three new reviewers.

Appeal review is produced anonymously for all parties.

Reviewers should be objective, fulfill their work in established time, to promote free expression of ideas; to follow the principles of scientific integrity, constructiveness, correctness and independency; to have no conflict of interests in respect of examined papers, authors or sponsors; not to malpractice; to exclude personal interests; to evaluate realistically their experience, knowledge and competency and not to go beyond its bounds; to remember that unknown them might be genius idea.  

Reviewers are required to observe confidentiality of the reviews and not to allow using information received in other purposes.

When plagiarism, compilations, false results, breach of the norms of scientific research are found a reviewer points out that in his conclusion.

Review should be legible, classified and substantiated.


For Authors

 An author bears responsibility for correctness of mentioned facts, statistic data, names and other data provided, and also for content of the materials, not subjected to open publication.

Submitting a manuscript to editorial office an author makes commitment to publish it neither fully nor partly in other publication; not to present the works that were previously published.

Author presents papers that correspond to ethic and technical requirements (guidelines) of the journal, undertakes not to use plagiarism and compilation, falsification or manipulation with information.

Author provides an opportunity to check the results received through apprehensible stating of problems, methods, conclusions and decisions.

Author is obliged to provide retractions and correct errors, make significant contribution in research, participate in peer-reviewing, respect authorship and observe copyrights, clearly reflect the contributions of co-authors that have been made in common study.     

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Cognosce te ipsum!                Surge et age!                Aliis inserviendo consumor!                Cogito, ergo sum!                Non progredi est regredi!

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