Свобода – величайший плод ограничения желаний свободы (Эпикур).                Видеть несправедливость и молчать – это значит, самому участвовать в ней (Ж.-Ж. Руссо).                Светоч истины часто обжигает руку тому, кто его несет (П. Буаст).                Умирают только за то, ради чего стоит жить (Сент-Экзюпери).                Знание есть сила, сила есть знание (Бэкон).


Decision of the UN Human Rights Committee no. 2040/2011 on case of Zeynalov A.A.

Decision of the UN Human Rights Committee no. 2040-2011 on case of Zeynalov A.A.

Interrupted wedding(Suleymanov D.I., former senior investigator for especially important cases of MIA Republic of Azerbaijan, Colonel of police)
Suleymanov D.I. Interrupted wedding

An investigatory experiment (Suleymanov D.I., former senior investigator for especially important cases of MIA Republic of Azerbaijan,Colonel of police)
Suleymanov D.I. An investigatory experiment 

Come to me, Mukhtar! (Suleymanov D.I., former senior investigator for especially important cases of MIA Republic of Azerbaijan, Colonel of police)
Suleymanov D.I. Come to me, Mukhtar

The tactics of search of General Lebed (Suleymanov D.I., former senior investigator for especially important cases of MIA Republic of Azerbaijan, Colonel of police)
Suleymanov D.I. The tactics of search General Lebed

Use of the public in preventing of crimes (Suleymanov D.I., Colonel of police, Suleymanov E.I., advocate)
Suleymanov D.I., Suleymanov E.I. Use of public in prevention of crimes

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Cognosce te ipsum!                Surge et age!                Aliis inserviendo consumor!                Cogito, ergo sum!                Non progredi est regredi!

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